
Showing posts from January, 2023

Journalism Changing The World

  "A drop of ink can make a billion people think," said Lord Byron. Journalists play one of the most important roles in society; they not only disseminate information and write articles for information, entertainment, and literature, but they are also becoming the world's voice, reformers, and revolutionaries. However, this privilege and power come with risks that could be very dangerous for the journalist or even for other people. For this reason, journalists must adhere to certain guidelines and conventions in order to give their work credibility and maintain their standing in society.   As a student journalist, I find it difficult to do journalism at times, especially when it involves hard news. Transparency, equality, accuracy, and newsworthiness are all important virtues to uphold. You will be held responsible for any errors, misunderstandings, or potential causes of action as a journalist. In short, everything you write in your journals and make public is subject to